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absorption of light中文是什么意思

用"absorption of light"造句"absorption of light"怎么读"absorption of light" in a sentence


  • 光的吸收
  • 光吸收


  • A serious problem in astronomical spectroscopy is imposed by the absorption of light in the earth's atmosphere .
  • It is assumed that the emission and absorption of light energy by an atom or molecule is not a continuous process but occurs in steps .
  • Since ellipsometry is not sensitive to emission or absorption of light by the plasma , it is one of the few surface techniques that is compatible with a plasma environment
  • The decrease of the flux shown by the arrow indicates the absorption of light by thorium ions at the surface of the star ; i . e . , the stronger feature means a higher abundance of thorium
  • At this point , nc - si solar cell comes with its advantages of broader timescale , lower cost . the broader timescale merit of nc - si solar cell arises from its high absorption of light with wavelength around 300 - 800nm , no matter it is scattered or not , and no matter it is weak or blazing
    在这一点上,非晶硅材料由于对波长在300nm - 800nm之间的光具有更高的吸收系数,因而有着更长的有效工作时间和更低的成本,不论光线是发散光还是平行光,是弱光还是强光,它都能够予以吸收。
用"absorption of light"造句  
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